May 28, 2020 By barksupport I read an interesting article this week from FlightGlobal which highlights the potential pressures pilots face as the airline industry emerges from the pandemic and wanted to share my views from an insurance perspective. There are many factors that can impact a person’s mental health and wellbeing however, pilots could be described as a professional group who experience unusual psychological challenges. Some unique stressors associated with this occupation include repeated evaluation to maintain medical certification, fatigue, irregular work schedules and the physical work environment (long hours in a small workspace). The impact of COVID19 is likely to compound the psychological stressors on pilots who now potentially face the prospect of redundancy, pay cuts or extended work hours. What happens if a mental health condition results in your licence/medical certificate being suspended or revoked? We have found that many pilots are not properly insured for these conditions and have found most plans have a full exclusion, only pay for specified conditions, or reduce the amount that can be claimed. At Aircrew Insurance, we know the importance of offering the widest coverage possible. If you have not checked your policy, you could be in for a bumpy ride. Read the article @Flight Global, you need to sign up for access but it’s a free resource and comes with access to other articles of interest to your industry. Mark Bright Managing Director Aircrew Insurance